Asset Protection Permit is required to protect Councils assets within the road and other land managed by Council. This must be applied for before demolition or building works are carried out. Roads, footpaths and vehicle crossings are all parts of the 'road reserve' - the area in the street between property boundaries.

For all works in the road reserve, you will need to apply for the relevant permits and approvals before starting works.
On this page you will find information on:
- Works on Vehicle Crossings
- Other Works in the Road Reserve
- Asset Protection Permits
- Altering a Naturestrip
- Temporary Road Closures and Works Zone Permits
Works on Vehicle Crossings
Property owners are responsible for the ongoing maintenance and construction of vehicle crossings in accordance with Council’s Community Laws.
If you are planning to construct or alter a vehicle crossing you will need to check what permits and approvals are required before you can start works. This includes works on the footpath.
Find out more information on vehicle crossings and driveways and the process for obtaining the right permits and approvals.
Other Works in the Road Reserve
Council is responsible for the care and maintenance of its road reserves. This includes roads, footpaths, naturestrips, kerb and channel (also known as gutters), trees and other street assets like street signs.
You may need to get a permit before you do any works (or alterations) outside a private property boundary (in the road reserve). This is to make sure that the road reserve is left in the same condition it was originally found in.
Find out more information about permits for:
If you want to do works outside a private boundary and you’re not sure which permit to apply for, please contact Council's Engineering Administration team on 9262 6177 to discuss Council requirements before you start works.
Changes to levels in the road reserve
Levels of public land, in the road reserve or other Council property, should not be changed without Council approval. If your works require a change of levels, you will need to submit detailed civil plans for assessment, before applying for the relevant permit (above).
Asset Protection
Find out more about Asset Protection Permit requirements.
Altering a Naturestrip
Naturestrips are the section of public land between the paved footpath and the kerb. Find out more about maintaining or altering naturestrips on the naturestrip page.
Temporary Road Closures
If you are planning to temporarily close a road or part of a road (including naturestrips and footpaths) you will need to check what permits and approvals are required before you close the road.
Find out more information on Temporary Road Closures and the process for obtaining the right permits and approvals.
Works Zone Parking Restrictions
Works Zones are restricted parking areas for construction sites, designed to allow for loading and unloading of construction vehicles.
Find out more information on Works Zones and the process for obtaining the right permits and approvals.