The 2040 Community Panel wish to share their vision with you.
This Vision was created in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has highlighted to all of us the importance of our local environment and community.
As a small group they were selected to represent the diversity of Whitehorse. They have learnt the importance of a united community and recognise that through collaboration and teamwork, together they have the power to shape our future.
We invite everyone to embrace the Vision and its themes and priorities and thank the community and all its participants for entrusting them with this responsibility.
Our Whitehorse 2040 Community Vision
- Whitehorse is a resilient community where everyone belongs.
- We are active citizens who value our natural environment, history and diversity.
- We embrace sustainability and innovation.
- We are dynamic. We learn, grow and thrive.

Vision themes and key priorities
The following themes and key priority areas outlines what needs to be the focus to achieve the Whitehorse 2040 Community Vision.
The process for developing the Community Vision was rigorous. The broad community engagement program was undertaken from 2 July to 13 December 2020. It informed the panel and the final Vision.
Download a copy of the Whitehorse 2040 Community Vision booklet ( PDF 880.27KB).