Feedback, Compliments and Complaints

We welcome your feedback as an opportunity to learn and improve our services. 

Submit your complaints, compliments and suggestions for improvement below.

Enquiries, feedback and complaints
What type of enquiry would you like to make?
One file only.
5 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, jpeg, jpg.

By giving us your contact details, you can help us deliver a better service. 

Our staff member may need to contact you for more information. If you don't provide your contact details, we may not be able to action your request, and you will not be receiving a written confirmation of your complaint

Contact Details
Please contact me via:
Select the checkbox to confirm this is a valid submission.
Internal use only

Other ways you can contact Council

How we will respond to your complaint

Council aims to resolve all complaints in the first instance. 

If investigation is needed:

  • your complaint will be referred to the relevant department
  • you will be notified within 2 business days of submitting your complaint
  • you will get an outcome within 7-30 business days
  • if more time for investigation is needed, you will be kept updated.

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of the investigation, you may request an internal review.

For full details refer to the Whitehorse City Council’s Complaints and Feedback Policy ( PDF 1.64MB)

Customer Service Charter

Whitehorse City Council is committed to meeting the needs of the community and providing excellence in customer service. Our Customer Service Charter sets out how we propose to meet these commitments to our customers.

As part of Councils Customer Service Charter we are committed to:

  • Responding promptly to your enquiries,
  • Being courteous, cooperative and professional at all times
  • Providing you with current, accurate, accessible and easy to understand information
  • Being punctual and meeting agreed appointment times
  • Providing access to translation and interpreting services when required for non-English speaking residents
  • Providing a 24-hour service through after-hours general information and emergency contact with non- urgent messages processed the next business day.

For more information, refer to Councils Customer Service Charter ( PDF 120.55KB)