Search and view current application registers for Building and Planning Applications.
In these registers, you can:
- search for applications by address, street name or application number
- track the progress of an application
- view advertised documents for Planning Permit Applications
Planning Applications - at Advertising
During the advertising period (usually 2 weeks) application documents and plans are available to be viewed online.
The information contained in the online register is provided for the sole purpose of enabling their consideration and review as part of a planning process under the Planning and Environment Act 1987. The documents must not be used for any purpose which may breach any copyright.
By entering the online register you acknowledge and agree that you will only use the documents for the purpose specified above and that any dissemination or distribution of this information is strictly prohibited.
The plans may not reflect what is ultimately approved by Council, however they are the version of the plans provided at the lodgement of the application.