Renew Your Whitehorse Pet Registration

You must renew your pet’s registration before 10 April each year.

Step 1. Find your Animal Registration Renewal Form

Find the Registration Renewal Notice sent to you by email or post prior to 10 April each year.

Proceed to Step 2.

Step 2. Check your Registration Details

This is includes your name, address and contact details, your pet's details including the tag number and microchip number and whether you are eligible for a discounted registration fee.

Once you check the registration details on the renewal document, you have three options:

Option 1 - All the information is correct Option 2 - Your pet no longer lives with you or you have moved home Option 3 - You may be are eligible for a registration discount
Proceed to Step 3.

Click Here to Let us Know

NOTE: If you receive a "Session Expired" message, please re-click the online form link above.

Proceed to Step 3.

Your pet is now desexed or you can provide proof you hold a Pensioner, War Widow Entitlement or TPI card.

Click Here to Let Us Know

NOTE: If you receive a "Session Expired" message, please re-click the online form link above.

Do NOT proceed to Step 3. Council will contact you.

Step 3. Check your Pet’s Microchip Number

Up-to-date microchip information can help Council reunite you with a lost pet. If your notice shows your pet's microchip number is missing or it is incorrect (15 digits), please check your pet documentation to provide Council with that data. Under the Domestic Animals Act 1994 it is a requirement to provide Council with your pet's microchip number. If you have forgotten or lost the information regarding which microchip registration company your pet is listed with, visit

NOTE: You should also update your pet's microchip registration company with your most up to date contact information. Council does not update microchip information.

Click Here to Provide Council with Your Pet Microchip Number

NOTE: If you receive a "Session Expired" message, please re-click the online form link above.

Step 4. Complete Your Registration Renewal

You will need the Animal Reference number from the Renewal Notice for this step.

Click Here to Renew Your Pet's Registration Online

NOTE: Payment by credit card will incur a surcharge of 0.6%. There is no surcharge for debit card payments.