The owner of the property is responsible for removing graffiti. Council can provide a free graffiti removal kit or paint voucher for standard acrylic paint to assist property owners remove graffiti.
Upon request, Council may remove graffiti from private properties* if the graffiti is visible from a public space and consent is granted by the property owner. It is recommended that graffiti be removed as soon as possible. Fast removal (within 24 hours) lessens the exposure time of the graffiti and can deter the graffiti vandals from “retagging”. It is best to get advice before attempting to remove graffiti.
Council can provide you with a graffiti removal kit. Contact Council via the online form to request a kit.
Additional graffiti removal information is available from Community Crime Prevention.
*It is at Council’s discretion whether we supply graffiti kits/vouchers or remove graffiti from private properties based on factors such as type of surface, height of graffiti, specialist colours/coatings required, state of the surface (in disrepair and further damage may occur) and any other variants as determined by Council. If Council choose not to remove graffiti based on factors above, recommendations can be provided.
** Graffiti kits/vouchers are for surfaces that face into public space (For example a front fence or side wall abutting a Council park) and not within property boundary itself.