Privacy Statement

Council is committed to complying with the provisions of privacy legislation. This means that Council respects the privacy of individuals and complies with the Privacy & Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic) in the collection, use, storage, management, provision of access and disposal of information.

Council provides a vast range of services to the community and information such as name, address and contact numbers are important to the delivery of these services. Council is also required to collect information under various state government legislations.

The information that you provide will remain for the use of Council and will not be disclosed except as required by law or if consent is provided to do so.

In providing online services to you, Council's website temporarily stores information using a cloud services data provider located in Melbourne. The service provider is obligated to comply with privacy laws.

When using Council’s websites some information regarding your visit is logged and cookies are used to track activity and to log webchats. Council will not intentionally collect personally identifiable information but may aggregate data collected and no attempt will be made to link it to individuals. Information gathered is used only to assist Council with evaluating the effectiveness of the site. A customer will have the option to opt out of tracking for that session.

For more information, please refer to Whitehorse City Council's Privacy Policy.

For further information on how Council manages privacy, please email