Whitehorse Plants for Schools Program

Whitehorse City Council provides funding for up to 100 indigenous plants per year for Primary & Secondary Schools, Early Learning Centres and Kindergartens in the Whitehorse municipality.

Plants are provided by our two Indigenous Community Nurseries - Bungalook and Greenlink. These nurseries are 100% volunteer-run and use local seed from Whitehorse and the surrounding areas. 

To get your free plants you can get in touch with the nursery closest to your school, early learning centre or kindergarten.

Bungalook Nursery Greenlink Nursery

Contact details


0473 122 543

Business opening hours

9am – 1pm  Wednesday & Friday

10am – 12:30pm on last Saturday of the month (except December)


107 Fulton Road, Blackburn South, Victoria, 3130



Contact details


0479 121 653

Business opening hours

9am – 12pm Tuesday & Wednesday

5 Saturday mornings a year, please see website for details


41 Wimmera Street, Box Hill North, Victoria, 3129



Helpful information to bring along to the Nurseries

  • Gardens for Wildlife report
  • Details on where you would like to plant
  • Photos of the planting locations
  • Any restrictions or concerns to keep in mind when suggesting plant species

Gardens for Wildlife Visits

A Gardens for Wildlife visit prior to getting your free plants is recommended, but not essential. If you already know what you would like to plant you can get in contact with the Community Nurseries.

If you're not sure what to do then a Gardens for Wildlife visit would be helpful for you. At your visit two of our Garden Guides will visit your garden at an agreed time and discuss with you about habitat values and opportunities in the garden. After the visit the guides will prepare a written report that provides an assessment, suggests actions and offers advice.

Book in your Gardens for Wildlife visit now!