Shared accommodation must be registered with Council. Once registered, Council conducts annual inspections to ensure that minimum standards as set out in the Public Health and Wellbeing Regulation 2009 are met.
For more information about ensuring your accommodation complies with the Public Health and Wellbeing (Prescribed Accommodation) regulations 2020, please contact the Environmental Health unit on 9262 6197.
To register your premises with Council you must:
1. Provide the Environmental Health Unit with a copy of your Planning Permit or Property Information Request.
This confirms that the proposed land use complies with the planning scheme and legislation. Council’s Planning Department can be contacted on ph. 9262 6303
2. Provide the Environmental Health Unit with a copy of the building permit with the endorsed plans.
Where a building permit is not required, provide written documentation from a building surveyor stating that a building permit is not required. Private building surveyors can be found at the Victorian Building Authority
3. Provide the Environmental Health Unit with a New Premises Enquiry Form. ( PDF 376.75KB)
From July 1 2023, an establishment fee is payable on all New Premises. The fee will cover costs associated with administration, progress inspections, final inspection, plans assessment (where provided, internal referral process (Planning / Building / Health) and on-going professional advice to support compliance.
4. Fit out your premises.
Undertake any works to your premises to ensure it complies with the Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008 and the Public Health and Wellbeing Regulations 2009.
5. Obtain a Certificate of Final Inspection or Occupancy Permit (if required) from a building surveyor.
These documents must be submitted in full prior to a final inspection being undertaken by the Environmental Health Unit.
6. CAV Licence to Operate a Rooming House.
You will need to contact the Consumer Affair Victoria (CAV) to obtain your Rooming House Operators Licence. You can do this by either contacting them on 1300 55 81 81 or via the Consumer Affair Victoria website.
7. Application to Register
You will be given permission to trade after:
- A final inspection has been conducted
- You supply a copy of your Rooming House Operator’s License
- You have lodged of an Application to Register form
- You have made payment of the applicable fee