Box Hill City Oval development

We are undertaking a major development of the Box Hill City Oval pavilions.

The development aims to provide contemporary, inclusive facilities that support the participation of all genders and abilities.

Box Hill City Oval has been home to the Box Hill Hawks and Box Hill Cricket Club since the 1930s.

Council is proud to continue the historic links with local clubs by providing a modern, multipurpose facility suitable for elite sports and community use.

The project is being funded by Council in partnership with the Australian and Victorian Governments.

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About the development

Western pavilion 

The existing pavilion and adjacent wooden buildings on the oval's western side will be demolished and replaced with a contemporary, multipurpose venue.

The new pavilion will be 2 storeys high and provide facilities including:

  • Community space with a kitchen and kiosk.  
  • Player amenities for match day and training, including flexible change rooms to support gender inclusive participation, first aid, gym and warm up area.    
  • Umpire rooms.    
  • Game day and club operations, including coaches' boxes, kiosk, broadcast room, timekeeper facilities, office space and a meeting room.  

Southern pavilion 

The lower level of the existing southern pavilion will be refurbished to support the sporting needs of the venue, including

  • Updated amenities for match day, including flexible change rooms to support gender inclusive participation.  
  • First aid and warm up area. 

Spectator area 

We are exploring options for improvements to the spectator area. Please note that the spectator area shown in the image above and in the concept designs linked below are the artist's impression only, and the final design may change.

Final concept designs

The concept designs were finalised following consultation with architects HB Arch, alongside the Box Hill Hawks, Box Hill Cricket Club, the Victorian and Australian Governments, AFL Victoria, Cricket Victoria and the community.

View the final concept designs for the project below.

The final concept designs provide an overarching vision for the pavilion development. The next step in the design process is to develop schematic designs based on the concept designs.  

As the design process evolves, the final schematic designs may differ from the concept designs.

Project background

Council developed the draft concept designs for the new pavilion and facilities, in close consultation with the Box Hill Hawks, Box Hill Cricket Club and other key stakeholders from 2019 to 2020.

In 2021, we sought community feedback on the draft concept designs. Through this process, we heard concerns from our community about the height of the new pavilion.  

To address these concerns, we reduced the height of the roof. The designs were endorsed by Council in 2021.  

In 2024, HB Arch Pty. Ltd. was appointed as the lead design consultants for the development. The 2021 endorsed concept designs were revised in early 2024. The most significant change being a further reduction to the height of the west pavilion, which has been reduced from 3 to 2 storeys.  

To ensure the pavilion is big enough to accommodate all the required facilities, the building's footprint has been expanded, increasing the size of the pavilion's western wing.

Council is working with architects HB Arch, in consultation with key stakeholders including the Box Hill Hawks, Box Hill Cricket Club, the Victorian and Australian Governments, AFL Victoria, Cricket Victoria and the community to develop the schematic designs for the development. These designs will provide a higher level of detail than the concept designs.

We will continue to keep our community, including local residents, park users, sports clubs, informed throughout the project.

Project timeline 

Note that the dates below are subject to change.  

  • May 2024: Architect appointed  
  • August 2024: Updated concept designs announced
  • June 2024 to early 2025: Design development   
  • Mid-2025: Public tender period to appoint main works contractor 
  • Late 2025: Construction to commence   
  • 2027: Construction to be completed

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