Bins on Council Laneways

Whitehorse City Council requires all business owners or operators that want to store commercial waste containers in Council laneways to apply online for a Laneway Bin Permit

Areas such as laneways at the rear of business premises are often used by business owners to store waste containers. This can create problems for access and hygiene. 

By having a laneway bin permit process in place, Council can identify the owners of the bins, plan for storage and waste collection access to reduce the impact on the community, and ensure that the bins comply with council waste procedures and any relevant including Whitehorse Community Local Law 2024 ( PDF 973.95KB) S2.9, Whitehorse City Council’s Domestic and Commercial Waste Management Procedure ( DOCX 36.74KB) and VicRoads Code of Practice for the Placement of Waste Bins on Road Sides ( PDF 441.88KB)

Council's conditions for the issuing of a permit is based on varying factors including business location and waste requirements. Failure to meet the permit conditions listed on the application may result in fines.

Annual Permit Cost (Ex-GST)

$120.00 (From 1 September 2024)