Pet Ownership In Whitehorse

If you have just moved to the City of Whitehorse with your pet, have a new pet or have lived in Whitehorse with your pet for a long time, there are some important things you may not know about keeping pets in the City of Whitehorse.

Pet Registration and Microchipping

All cats and dogs over the age of 3 months must be registered at the address they live by 10 April every year.

If you have just moved your pets to a new home, you must also remember to update your contact details with your pet's microchip registry. This is not something Council does. Updating your pet's microchip details will help Council reunite you with your lost pet.

Your Pets, Your Neighbours and You

It is your responsibility to make sure your pet is not causing a nuisance to your neighbours. The Victoria Law Foundation has produced a booklet about Dogs, Cats, Neighbours and You which is useful to read including your responsibilities to your pets and neighbours.

Keeping Multiple Pets

City of Whitehorse residents need to obtain a permit to keep more than a particular number of pets including dogs, cats and other animals on their property. Limiting the number of pets on a property helps to ensure that your pets are kept in a healthy environment and that neighbours are not inconvenienced by your pets.

Keeping Your Pet Under Control

Dog owners must have their dog on a lead in all public places, including while walking to the parks, on footpaths and in any other parks and reserves, unless it is a designated off-lead area. There are also places where dogs are not allowed to be at any time. When you exercise your dog on or off the leash, you must always pick up your dog's poop and dispose of it properly.

Cat owners need to keep their cats contained to their property particularly during the cat curfew hours between 8pm and 6am. This means you must make sure your cat cannot leave your property during these hours. There are also locations that cats are not allowed at any time. These are environmentally significant places. If you live near any of these locations you need to ensure that your cat cannot enter these places at any time. This might mean you may need to make your property escape proof for your cat.

For more information, download the handy Responsible Pet Ownership Information Sheet ( PDF 1.99MB).

Pet Services Provided by Council

Council provides a pet-friendly environment for all residents including: