Your pets and animals are your responsibility. Failing to plan ahead for your pet's safety during an emergency can put lives at risk.
Preparing an Emergency Plan for your Pets and Livestock
Experience and research shows that residents will not willingly leave their animals behind, may delay leaving, or return during an emergency. This not only risks their lives, but the lives of their animals and emergency service workers.
To help you plan for pets in an emergency, visit the Agriculture Victoria web site Pets and Emergencies.
Pets and Smoke and Ash
Animals can be sensitive to smoke. It is best to keep your animals inside if possible when there is smoke in the air. Make sure your animals have access to water and food and are able to relieve themselves regularly. The Agriculture Victoria web site provides comprehensive advice about Pets and Smoke and Pets Exposed to Smoke and Ash.
Pets During Extreme Heat
NOTE: If you find a pet left in a hot car, call Victoria Police on Triple Zero (000). Victoria Police are equipped to quickly dispatch officers from the nearest police station which is critical under these circumstances. Council has no authority to break into a vehicle.
In the same way that people sometimes suffer from heat-related illness, heat stress can also affect pets. Pet owners should take measures to ensure their pets are well looked after during hot weather. The Agriculture Victoria web site provides comprehensive advice on how to Care for Animals during Extreme Heat.
State and Council Animal Welfare Plans
The Victorian Emergency Animal Welfare Plan provides a strong framework for responding to animal welfare emergency needs in Victoria.
The City of Whitehorse Municipal Emergency Management Plan ( PDF 2.96MB) outlines the local arrangements for animal management during an emergency.