Council produces policies, strategies and plans to help guide decisions and to achieve outcomes and goals.
- Complaints and Feedback Policy ( PDF 1.64MB)
Whitehorse City Council’s Complaints and Feedback Policy is a framework for how we manage all customer feedback. This includes customer compliments and complaints received verbally or in writing. It covers Council’s services, actions and decisions, including those made at Council meetings.
This Policy outlines how customers can easily provide feedback in a range of accessible ways. It outlines customer expectations around Council’s response, and ensures a fair and equitable approach towards the resolution of issues.
Model Councillor Code of Conduct ( PDF 164.69KB)
From 26 October 2024, the Local Government Act 2020 requires all councillors to observe the Model Councillor Code of Conduct (Model Code of Conduct). The Model Code of Conduct is prescribed in Schedule 1 to the Local Government (Governance and Integrity) Regulations 2020.The Model Code of Conduct replaced the previous statutory requirements for Councils to develop their own Councillor Code of Conduct and the previous Standards of Conduct.
The Model Code of Conduct sets out individual standards of conduct expected to be observed by councillors when performing their roles as councillors. The purpose of the Model Code of Conduct is to set clear standards that will improve on councillor conduct and behaviour.
Guidance has been developed to support councillors in performing their role in a manner consistent with the Model Code of Conduct.
Whitehorse City Council Code of Conduct ( PDF 6.13MB)
Our Code of Conduct (the Code) is the cornerstone of our principles, values, standards and good governance practices. It outlines our responsibilities so each one of us can identify the risks relevant to our role particularly when faced with ethical or conduct issues. It reinforces the importance of complying with all of Council’s policies.The Code applies to everyone who works/volunteers for Whitehorse City Council - employees (full-time, part-time, fixed term or casual basis and those on secondment to Council), agency staff, labour hire, contingent workers, contractors, sub-contractors, consultants, agents, trainees, apprentices, practical placement students, work experience students and volunteers.
- Councillor Interaction with Developers Policy ( PDF 783.19KB)
This policy serves to preserve the integrity of Council and Councillors when engaging with
developers, submitters and lobbyists by ensuring that interaction is conducted in
accordance with the highest standards of transparency, integrity and honesty, and is open
to public scrutiny.
- Council Expenses and Support Policy ( PDF 774.1KB)
Section 41 of the Local Government Act 2020 requires Council to adopt a Council Expenses Policy.
This policy provides direction on the reimbursement of out-of-pocket expenses for Councillors and members of delegated committees.
- Election Period Policy ( PDF 1.15MB)
The Election Period Policy has been developed in accordance with the Local Government Act 2020 to ensure Whitehorse City Council elections are conducted in a fair and equitable manner and are publicly perceived as such, while facilitating the continuation of ordinary Council business during the Election Period in a transparent manner.
- Governance Rules ( PDF 1.53MB)
Council is required to adopt and maintain Governance Rules in accordance with section 60 of the Local Government Act 2020.
The Governance Rules outline the procedure for Council and Delegated Committee meetings, Conflict of Interest Procedures, the procedure for the election of the Mayor and Deputy Mayor, and include the Election Period Policy at Chapter 6.
- Public Transparency Policy ( PDF 407.39KB)
Section 57 of the Local Government Act 2020 requires Council to adopt a Public Transparency Policy. This policy details Council’s support for transparency in its decision-making and the public awareness of the availability of Council information.
- Public Interest Disclosures Procedures
This policy supports Councillors and Council Officers to avoid conflicts of interest and maintain high levels of integrity, accountability and public trust.
- Councillor Gift Policy ( PDF 744.05KB) This policy aims to provide direction for Councillors on how to respond and take appropriate action in regards to offers of gifts, benefits and hospitality.
- Audit & Risk Committee Charter ( PDF 196.93KB)
Whitehorse City Council has established an Audit and Risk Committee (the Committee) pursuant to Section 53 of the Local Government Act 2020 (the Act) to support Council in discharging its oversight responsibilities related to financial and performance reporting, risk management, fraud and corruption prevention systems and controls, maintenance of a sound internal control environment, assurance activities including internal and external audit and Council’s performance with regard to compliance with its policies and legislative and regulatory requirements. It acts in this capacity by monitoring, reviewing and advising on the above matters as set out in this Charter.
This Charter is prepared and approved by the Council pursuant to Section 54(1) of the Act.
- Live Streaming and Video Recording Policy ( PDF 409.76KB)
This policy provides information and procedures in relation to the recording and live streaming of those public meetings/forums convened by Whitehorse City Council and held in the Council Chamber. The policy aims to improve accessibility and community participation in relation to decision making processes by allowing the public to watch meetings in real time via the internet without the need to attend in person.
CEO Employment and Remuneration Policy ( PDF 150.22KB)
The Chief Executive Officer Employment and Remuneration Policy was developed by Council as per the requirement of section 45 of the Local Government Act 2020 (‘The Act’). The policy outlines how Council will manage the recruitment and appointment of its Chief Executive Officer, provides consistency for contract inclusions and performance monitoring and sets out the requirements of the statutory required annual review process.
- Corrupt or Improper Conduct Procedures
- Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006
- Collections Policy ( PDF 91.07KB)
This policy ensures sound management and development of the Whitehorse Art Collection and the Whitehorse Civic Collection, together with the provision of guidelines for visual arts exhibitions in Council venues. The policy aims to conserve, document and develop the Art Collection and Civic Collection in accordance with current museological practices; facilitate public access to the Art Collection and Civic Collection; and curate a diverse exhibition program for Whitehorse residents.
- Asset Management Policy ( PDF 301.16KB)
This policy outlines what is required at the City of Whitehorse (Council) to ensure comprehensive and effective asset management practices are developed and utilised across all asset classes.
- Building Over Drainage Easements Policy ( PDF 598.87KB)
This policy is to provide a consistent approach and appropriate guidelines for approval or refusal of the construction of any building or structure over any drainage easement vested in Whitehorse City Council.
- Investment and Economic Development Strategy 2024 - 2028 ( PDF 5.93MB)
The Strategy provides an opportunity for Council to guide Whitehorse’s economy through a holistic approach that encompasses initiatives and projects aligned with the five key themes while improving the quality of life for those living, working, studying, and visiting the City of Whitehorse. - Special Rate Charge Schemes in Retail Commercial Precinct or Centres Policy ( PDF 261.02KB)
This policy provides guidance for the implementation of special rate/charge schemes for commercial centres in Whitehorse. The policy provides information to assist business associations in identifying the resources and systems required during the establishment, implementation and administration of a scheme.
- Mont Albert Retail Assessment ( PDF 2.55MB)
- Social Enterprise Policy ( PDF 191.75KB)
Social Enterprises employ innovative market solutions to achieve social impact. Whitehorse City Council appreciates the social and economic value and importance that Social Enterprises generate and can bring to our community. Council recognises that this sector needs a supportive and dynamic ecosystem to support its unique mission, goals and business models.
- Community Engagement Policy ( PDF 700.76KB)
This policy sets out Council’s commitment to engaging with our community and explains the role of Council and how the community can expect to be involved in decision making. It establishes a clear standard of engagement, and encourages a consistent approach, including evaluation, review and feedback to continually improve our processes which lead to more effective outcomes.
- Community Engagement Guide ( PDF 6.8MB)
The Community Engagement Guide is available to help community groups and organisations to design, implement, and evaluate their own community engagement activities.
- Procurement Policy ( PDF 1.09MB)
This policy provides a framework to assist and ensure the efficient, effective, socially, ethically and sustainably responsible procurement of goods, services and works for Whitehorse City Council. The policy ensures consistency and control over procurement activities; demonstrates accountability and transparency to ratepayers; and demonstrates the application of best practice in procurement.
- Purchase Order Terms and Conditions
Whitehorse Community Grants Policy 2024 ( PDF 165.93KB)
The Whitehorse Community Grants Policy provides a framework for the provision of community grants to the Whitehorse community, based on the principles of community development, good governance and best practice in grant making.
Council provides ongoing annual funding to support the community to respond to community needs, provide programs and services that make a positive contribution to the health and well-being of the Whitehorse community and deliver strategic outcomes for Council. The City of Whitehorse is committed to providing this funding efficiently, equitably and ethically.
- Child Safety Policy ( PDF 1.49MB)
Child Safety Policy - children friendly version ( PDF 406.58KB)
Whitehorse Child Safety and Wellbeing Action Plan 2022- 2025 ( PDF 950.19KB)
We are committed to child safety. We provide a working environment that values safety, diversity and inclusion for all children and adheres to the Victorian Child Safe Standards and related legislation.
- Special Charge Scheme Infrastructure Policy ( PDF 67.47KB)
This policy provides a strategic framework to assist Council in establishing special charge schemes for infrastructure projects pursuant to Section 163 of the Local Government Act 1989. This policy applies to projects including installation of new easement drains, construction of new or previously formed but unconstructed roads and footpaths, and the replacement of overhead power lines with underground power lines or the aerial bundling of overhead power lines.
- Media Relations Policy ( PDF 155.68KB)
This policy summarises how to develop effective media relations in the dissemination of Council information, and determine who will represent Council in speaking to the media. This policy refers to all print and electronic media; local, metropolitan and national newspapers, magazines; industry newsletters; television and radio.
- Social Media Guidelines - Councillors ( PDF 272.1KB)
This guide has been developed to promote and guide the use of social media by the elected Councillors of Whitehorse City Council. Social. The guide is intended to assist Councillors to use social media in a way that minimises exposure of Council and Councillors to legal and reputational risk.
- Use of and Access Over Council Parks and Sportsfields Policy ( PDF 314.95KB)
This policy provides guidelines for use of, or access over, Council managed parks and sportsfields by schools, community groups/organisations, residents and corporate groups. The policy ensures appropriate passive and/or active recreational use within the parks and sportsfields of the City of Whitehorse, including the control of vehicle access and the nature of equipment and/or animals brought onto the park or sportsfield.
- Plaques and Memorials in Council Public Open Space Policy ( PDF 120.53KB)
This policy provides a framework for assessing community requests for the installation of new plaques and memorials within public open space in the City of Whitehorse, and ensures that the installation and ongoing management of new and existing plaques and memorials in open space is undertaken in an agreed manner.
- Public Toilet Service Policy
Public toilets are essential community assets which contribute to the enjoyment and amenity of public spaces by residents and visitors to the municipality. The purpose of this Policy to inform how Council makes decisions about when public toilets are open.
- Whitehorse Open Space Strategy
Part One – Background and Overall Strategy Recommendations ( PDF 3.4MB)
Part Two – Precinct Recommendations ( PDF 5.96MB)
The Whitehorse Open Space Strategy sets out a cohesive direction for the future provision, planning, design and management of publicly owned land that is set aside for leisure, recreation and nature conservation purposes.
- Whitehorse Play Space Strategy ( PDF 1.91MB)
This strategy provides Council with a framework for the provision of its play spaces across the municipality. The Strategy addresses how we provide, improve and manage our play spaces now and into the future - and to ensure play environments continue to be a highly valued local government service delivered to our community.
- Discontinuance of Roads Policy ( PDF 217.68KB)
This policy facilitates the discontinuance and sale of roads and reserves that are no longer reasonably required for access or for the purpose they were originally set as side for. The policy allows for either adjoining property owners or Council to be provided with an efficient and equitable means of acquiring ownership of such land.
- Parking on Nature Strips Policy ( PDF 278.19KB)
This policy outlines Council officer practice in the enforcement of Road Rules Victoria for parking of vehicles on nature strips to prevent damage to the community assets on nature strips and facilitate safe and efficient movement of pedestrians and vehicles.
- Heritage Kerbs Channels and Laneways Policy ( PDF 1.28MB)
This policy aims to preserve significant heritage bluestone kerb and channeling, bluestone laneways and brick laneways in the City of Whitehorse.
- Whitehorse Integrated Transport Strategy 2011 ( PDF 2.2MB)
- Community Road Safety Strategy 2013 ( PDF 2.12MB)
- Cycling Strategy ( PDF 2.48MB)
- Box Hill Integrated Transport Strategy ( PDF 14.79MB)
- Privacy Policy ( PDF 187.22KB)
This policy ensures that personal information received by the Council is collected and handled in a responsible manner and adheres to the Information Privacy Principles in the Privacy & Data Protection Act 2014. This policy applies to all Council employees, Councillors and contractors. - Privacy Policy Additional Fact Sheet ( PDF 139.27KB)
Provides additional background and detail to support the information outlined in the Privacy Policy. - Health Privacy Policy ( PDF 176.68KB)
This policy ensures that a person's health information received by the Council is collected and handled in a responsible manner and adheres to the Health Privacy Principles in the Health Records Act 2001. This policy applies to all Council employees, Councillors and contractors. - Health Privacy Additional Fact Sheet ( PDF 110.99KB)
Provides additional background an detail to support the information outlined in the Health Privacy Policy.
- Rates Hardship Assistance Policy ( PDF 213.15KB)
This policy ensures ratepayers experiencing genuine financial hardship situations are aware of their entitlements regarding rating assistance available under the Local Government Act 1989 and the Fire Services Property Levy Act 2012, and the options and assistance available by Whitehorse City Council.
- Street Numbering Policy ( PDF 397.51KB)
This policy provides guidelines for the allocation of street numbers to properties throughout the municipality to facilitate the identification of properties in the municipality by the use of a logical pattern of street numbering. The policy considers, in allocating street numbers, the need for quick location of properties by drivers of emergency vehicles as well as location of properties by Australia Post and the general public.
- Waste Service Charge Policy ( PDF 492.4KB)
The purpose of this Policy is to guide decision-making on how Council charges for waste and recycling services through a Waste Service Charge. Council is to implement a Waste Service Charge under the Local Government Act 2020 (Vic) in the 2023/24 financial year.
- Whitehorse Recreation Strategy 2015-2024 ( PDF 2.06MB)
This Recreation Strategy has been prepared to provide Council with a decision-making framework for recreation and sport. It has been prepared in consultation with the community and recreation stakeholders. - Melbourne East Regional Sport and Recreation Fair Access Policy ( PDF 179.56KB)
This policy and its action plan outline Council's approach to ensuring the equitable use of public sport and recreation facilities for all and aims to improve opportunities for women, girls, and other groups to participate in community sports and recreation activities. - Pavilion Development Policy ( PDF 450.88KB)
This policy provides facility standards to guide the development and/or refurbishment of pavilions and a framework for the funding contributions towards pavilions. - Melbourne East Regional Sport and Recreation Strategy 2024-2032 ( PDF 2.1MB)
This strategy supports a regional planning approach for the development of current and new sport and recreation infrastructure for the Melbourne East Region for the next 10 to 20 years. - Floodlighting Policy - Outdoor Sports & Recreation ( PDF 800.31KB)
To provide a consistent approach for the use and management of floodlights at Council outdoor sports and recreation venues to support community participation and consider the residential amenity of adjoining properties and the surrounding area. - Criteria and Procedures for Naming Council Facilities After Individuals Policy ( PDF 359.59KB)
This policy defines the criteria and procedures for the naming of Council facilities after individuals. This policy applies to, but is not limited to, buildings or parts of buildings; outdoor areas, reserves, sports fields; other facilities recommended for naming by Council that are owned, operated or controlled by the City of Whitehorse.
- Climate Response Strategy 2023-2030 ( PDF 1.54MB)
- Climate Response Plan 2023-2026 ( PDF 1012.91KB)
- Integrated Water Management Strategy 2022-2042 ( PDF 1.76MB)
- Whitehorse Waste Management Strategy 2018-2028 ( PDF 4.15MB)
- Whitehorse Urban Biodiversity Strategy ( PDF 2.03MB)
- Urban Forest Strategy 2021-2031 ( PDF 2.08MB)
- Urban Forest Strategy Action Plan 2021-2031 ( PDF 790.57KB)
- Interim Urban Forest Policy and Tree Management Plan ( PDF 5.11MB)
Outlines how trees are maintained and managed on public land owned and managed by Council including street trees and park trees.
- Waste Service Charge Policy ( PDF 492.4KB)
Please note, Council has reviewed its policies in the context of the Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006.
Many Council documents are available on this website in pdf format. If you require one of these documents in an alternative format, please contact Council's Communications Department by emailing or calling 9262 6333.