Stand for Council

Thinking of running for Council? Find out more about the City of Whitehorse and what being a Councillor entails by downloading the Prospective Candidate Information ( PDF 1.3MB) brochure. 

Governance Rules and Election Period Policy

All prospective candidates should become familiar with the Whitehorse City Council Governance Rules ( PDF 1.53MB) which contain important information regarding Council business and include the Election Period Policy. ( PDF 1.15MB)

Election campaign activity

Visit the Election Activities and Signage page on Council's website for further information about allowable campaign activities and to apply for an Election Activity Permit for certain activities.

Key dates

Date Action
Wednesday 7 August Voters roll closed at 4pm
Monday 9 September Candidate nominations open
Tuesday 17 September Candidate nominations close at 12 noon
Wednesday 18 September Random draw for positions of candidates on ballot paper
Monday 7 to Thursday 10 October Mail-out of ballot packs to voters
Friday 25 October Voting closes at 6pm
Saturday 26 October Vote count commences and the existing Council is no longer in office
Tuesday 12 November Vote count completed and results declared

Useful websites

Further information

If you would like to know more about becoming a Councillor, please contact us on (03) 9262 6578, or email