Winter Warmer Film Series

Join us for a delightful winter experience! The Positive Ageing team, in partnership with the Whitehorse Film Society, presents a series of heart-warming films to enjoy over the chilly months. 

Whether you're flying solo or inviting along family, friends, or neighbours, pop on your cosy winter woollies and join us at the Civic Centre. It's a wonderful opportunity to enjoy a cup of coffee or a comforting cup-a-soup while immersing yourself in the enchantment of cinema in a relaxed and social setting tailored just for you. 

Last Christmas (PG-13+)

movie poster image for last christmas

Where: Civic Centre, Willis Room 
When: Wednesday 10 July, 12.30pm – 3pm
Cost: $5.00

Book tickets to see Last Christmas

Everybody’s Oma (M)

movie poster image everybody's Oma

Where: Civic Centre, Willis Room 
When: Thursday 8 August, 9.30am – 12.30pm
Cost: $5.00

Book tickets to see Everybody's Oma

Crooked House (PG)

movie poster image Crooked House

Where: Civic Centre, Willis Room 
When: Friday 13 September, 12.30pm – 3pm
Cost: $5.00

Book tickets to see Crooked House