Whitehorse Wildlife Explorers

Download the Agents of Discovery app to become a Whitehorse Wildlife Explorer this Winter School Holidays!

Are you interested in what is hiding in Whitehorse's Parks and Reserves?

Are you a Whitehorse Wildlife Explorer? 

Join us at Blackburn Lake Sanctuary these schools holidays to find out if you can pass the Whitehorse Wildlife Explorer mission!

How to play

Download the Agents of Discovery App from the App Store or Google Play and head out to Blackburn Lake Sanctuary with your smartphone.

You will be able to start your Wildlife Explorer Mission when you're standing at the Blackburn Lake Sanctuary Visitor Centre, the app uses your location to unlock the exciting challenges that are hidden nearby. 

Follow the map and complete the challenges to become a Whitehorse Wildlife Explorer!

Safety Information

  1. Always be aware of your surroundings!
  2. Adult supervision is recommended for children doing this activity. 
  3. Blackburn Lake Sanctuary is home to many types of animals. Please respect these animals and their homes. 
  4. Please do not disturb or touch animals or insects and be aware of where you are walking. 
  5. Council Officers are not always present at Blackburn Lake Sanctuary. If you would like to do this activity with a Council Officer please get in touch with us for a guided Mission.
  6. This activity is not suitable on days of Total Fire Ban and Extreme Weather. 
  7. Please stay on paths at all times. 


Have a question about Whitehorse Wildlife Explorers and using the Agents of Discovery App? If we haven't answered it below, send us an email.