Trees by Height

Trees bring many benefits to homes including shade and cooling, birds and bees and reduce air pollution.

Below are suggested trees for Whitehorse gardens to help people choose a new tree as part of a planning permit or simply to enhance your space.

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Weeping Myall - Acacia pendula

Height: 8
Width: 8
Best feature: Silver grey leaves contrasting with dark brown bark
Worst feature: Sometimes subject to insect attack like all native plants
Ideal for: A tough tree for a tough spot

Red Flowering Yellow Gum - Eucalyptus leucoxylon ssp. Rosea

Height: 10-12m

Width: 7-8m

Best feature: Beautiful flowers that will bring lorikeets to the garden

Worst feature: Grown from seed so can be variable

Ideal for: Native gardens or where light shade is preferred

Jacaranda - Jacaranda mimosifolia

Height: 10-12m

Width: 8m

Best feature: Flowers

Worst feature: Frost sensitive when young

Ideal for: Larger gardens where it can spread wide

Red Maple – Acer rubrum

Height: Varies with cultivar, Autumn Red and October Glory reach over 12m

Width: Larger cultivars may spread to 9m

Best feature: Autumn colour

Worst feature: Not attractive to local birds and insects

Ideal for: Larger gardens where shade is desired.

Red Flowering Ironbark - Eucalyptus sideroxylon ‘Rosea’

Height: 15-18m

Width: 6-12m

Best feature: This species is great for habitat for birds and invertebrates

Worst feature: Does not like poorly drained soil

Ideal for: Large gardens

Yellow Box - Eucalyptus melliodora

Height: 15m plus

Width: 10m plus

Best feature: Great for habitat

Worst feature: Can be slow when young

Ideal for: Larger gardens where wildlife is a bonus

Blackwood Wattle - Acacia melanoxylon

Height: 12-15m
Width: 5-6m
Best feature: This indigenous tree is great for local birds and beetles.  It keeps its dense foliage low to the ground so is excellent for screening
Worst feature: Can be susceptible to borer if bark is damaged
Ideal for: Blocking a view and supporting biodiversity

Lemon-scented Tea Tree - Leptospermum petersonii

Height: 6m
Width: 4m
Best feature: The leaves smell like lemon when crushed
Worst feature: Can be slow to get going and will present as a shrub more than a tree for the first few years.
Ideal for: Those who love the idea of bush foods growing in their garden.