Whitehorse City Council has partnered with Gould League to deliver waste education incursions for Whitehorse schools and early learning centres.
Topics include:
- Composting and worm farming
- Recycling right
- Plastic pollution
- Circular economy
All school sessions align with the ResourceSmart Schools Waste Module and the Victorian Curriculum.
To find out more about the offerings and to express your interest in a session, download the Waste Education Program flyer ( PDF 1.67MB) or visit Gould League's website.
Please note: This is a pilot program with bookings only available until 30 June 2025. There is a limit of up to three sessions (on on day) per school or kindergarten. Sessions are offered subject to availability and budget. Once allocations are reached, schools or kindergartens may still book in with the Gould League for sessions at a cost to the school or kindergarten.
Our Waste Education Officer may also be able to speak at a school or year level assembly, provide waste or litter audit guidance or run professional development with staff.
If you are interested in an assembly or staff presentation please contact Council’s Waste Education Officer via email at wasteteam@whitehorse.vic.gov.au