Suburban Rail Loop - Precinct Structure Planning

The State Government has commenced the structure planning process for the neighbourhoods (precincts) around each of the new SRL train stations, including Box Hill and Burwood. The project is being undertaken by the Suburban Rail Loop Authority (SRLA) and is including community engagement at various stages throughout the project.

Each structure plan will set out a vision and proposals for how the precincts will meet the housing, employment and social infrastructure needs of the growing population anticipated as a result of the SRL project. This may include changes to land uses, building heights and densities, accessibility and additional infrastructure such as open space.

Planning Scheme Amendments will be needed to implement the precinct structure plans for Box Hill and Burwood into the Whitehorse Planning Scheme. It is likely that the SRLA will undertake the Amendments, which will ultimately need to be approved by the Minister for Planning.

The structure planning process and changes to planning controls are expected to be completed by 2026 with draft documents due to be exhibited for community comment in late 2024/early 2025. Details about timelines and opportunities for involvement can be found on the SRLA website.

Council’s initial position on SRL Precinct Structure Planning

Whitehorse City Council is supportive of the transport benefits that will come from the Suburban Rail Loop rail project. However, we want to see robust and transparent processes in place to ensure the associated precinct planning is undertaken with meaningful community input that genuinely influences the outcomes of the project, together with sound urban planning principles relevant to each SRL station precinct.

Council is looking for the changes around the SRL stations in Box Hill and Burwood to be sustainable, logical and clearly justified. This balanced approach recognises the need for growth around the SRL stations while respecting the existing character of and the people who live, work and visit the areas.

Council is continuing to advocate to SRLA to commit to a collaborative partnership with Council to develop the Structure Plans for the Box Hill and Burwood precincts, so that Council can ensure the plans reflect local community needs and give due consideration to open space, environment, amenity, liveability and our local economy.