The Mirrabooka Reserve Pavilion will undergo an estimated $7 million redevelopment in late 2025-2026.
This will allow for more sporting and community use of both the pavilion and the wider reserve.
Mirrabooka Reserve is the home ground to several local sports clubs. It features four sports fields, a play space, cricket nets and a pavilion.
The project is funded with $2 million from the Commonwealth Government, $3 million from the Victorian Government and $2 million from Council.
On this page
Project background
The current Mirrabooka Reserve Pavilion is predominantly used by three sports clubs:
- Blackburn South Cricket Club
- Laburnum Cricket Club
- Blackburn New Hope Football Club
The pavilion has reached the end of its life and is currently operating above capacity.
Council is now planning for the redevelopment of the pavilion, in consultation with the sporting clubs, local schools and the local community.
Community consultation
In early 2024 Council conducted community engagement activities to raise awareness and seek community feedback.
A community survey was available on the Council’s ‘Your Say’ website. To create awareness of the redevelopment and the survey, Council informed the community with letterbox drops to local residents, flyers at local businesses, social media posts, signage at Mirrabooka Reserve and the adjacent Orchard Grove Reserve.
During this period, over 600 people visited the ‘Your Say’ project page and 179 people completed the survey. The feedback was mostly positive with 94% supporting the Mirrabooka Pavilion redevelopment.
A community pop-up session was held in April 2024 at Mirrabooka Reserve on the weekend competition day for the community sporting clubs. More than 200 residents, sports club members, parents and Councillors attended the session.
Representatives from Blackburn South Cricket Club, Blackburn New Hope Soccer Club and Laburnum Cricket Club have been kept informed through the concept design process including meetings with Council from January 2024.
Council has met with the Principals of Orchard Grove Primary School and Aurora School to discuss the plans and the impacts during construction. There is shared access and use to the sports fields between the community, community sport and the adjoining schools, a Joint Use Agreement is being finalised between the Department of Education and Council.
About the redevelopment
The Mirrabooka Pavilion redevelopment will expand on the size of the social and community use aspect of the pavilion, as well as increase the amount of changerooms.
This will allow for greater utilisation for the community and sport as well as other users within the broader reserve.
A large focus of the pavilion development is to help support female participation in sport, by providing facilities that are fit for purpose and meet the needs of growth in participation.
The broader community will be able to use the pavilion for events and group meetings, with a community room that can be accessed independently from the change room and social room.
This redevelopment will include:
- Six 25m2 unisex changerooms
- Umpire rooms
- Accessibility amenities
- First aid room
- Community meeting room
- Social / multipurpose room
- Kitchen
- Storage areas
A temporary facility will be installed for sporting clubs to use while construction is underway.
No significant trees will be removed as part of the pavilion project.
Pavilion Diagrammatic Concept Plan ( JPG 234.56KB)
Mirrabooka Reserve Pavilion Site Plan:

Next steps
Council is working with the project architect to incorporate the current and future needs of the new pavilion in the designs.
The pavilion design development plans are being finalised. The next step is to develop designs that have a higher level of detail ready for tender. When these designs are approved, Council will seek construction tenders.
Council will continue to keep the community, and our stakeholders informed throughout the project as it progresses.
Project timeline
The indicative timeline for the Mirrabooka Pavilion redevelopment is:
- Early 2024 – Community consultation
- Mid 2024 – Concept design
- July 2024 to April 2025 – Detailed design and development approvals
- Mid 2025 – Tender for construction
- Late 2025 – Construction commences
- End 2026 – Construction completion
This timeline is subject to change due to factors that may not be within our control.