Neighbourhood and Community houses

Whitehorse News - January 2022

As we welcome in 2022, for many, the transitional period of reopening may continue to feel a little bumpy.

Feelings of unease about adjusting to in-person interaction are completely understandable and normal. If you are feeling fearful and insecure about the uncertainty of the current situation, our Neighbourhood and Community houses are ready to welcome you back in the New Year.

Our Neighbourhood and Community houses offer a safe place for you to have a chat, participate in a class and simply ease back into real-world group activities again.

We can share the puzzles we completed, the lessons we learnt or simply be together. The houses also have high-standard COVID safe plans to protect you and your health.

The past 18 months have showed us the importance of community connection, so let’s reconnect, reengage and do it at our local Neighbourhood and Community houses.

More information

Photo: Staff members at the Box Hill South Neighbourhood House.