If you have received a fine from Whitehorse City Council, you should act now to avoid further costs. You will know you have received a Council fine if it has
Council produces policies, strategies and plans to help guide decisions and to achieve outcomes and goals.
Cats are highly valued companion pets in thousands of Australian households. Cats are an excellent companion and when properly cared for, they fit in very well
If you have received a Council parking, animal or Local Law fine there are several steps you should take before you consider appealing for Council to review the fine.
In accordance with Sections 57 and 58 of the Local Government Act 2020, Council has adopted its Public Transparency Policy. The Policy recognises Council’s
A vehicle (a car, motorcycle, van, truck, trailer or caravan) parked on a road or in a Council car park which has not moved for what seems like a long time
The fees for the Whitehorse Recycling and Waste Centre are reviewed annually as part of the budget process. The fees are set with consideration to the State
The Whitehorse Health and Wellbeing Plan 2021-2025 describes the work Council and its partners will do to improve the health and wellbeing of people in
This factsheet provides information about people aged 12-25 years living in the City of Whitehorse. The ages of 12 to 25 are a period of rapid transition where
Whether you live or work in Whitehorse you will find access to support, information and services to help community wellbeing and growth. Council provides core