It's time to gather on the grass and move to the music! We have an incredible line-up of performers for all ages this year at the Whitehorse Australia Day Concert. Get ready on Sunday 26 January for an evening filled with music and entertainment at the Australia Day Concert.
Dementia Action Week is held from Monday 16 September to Sunday 22 September 2024 and this year’s theme is “Act Now for a Dementia-Friendly Future.” In
Come and enjoy a Pram Walk for Whitehorse residents in the beautiful bush settings of our local parklands using pram friendly tracks. Ensure to wear sensible walking shoes and dress according to weather conditions (sunscreen, hats, waterproof jackets etc as required). We will walk for approximately an hour.
The safety of children and young people is everyone’s responsibility. If a child's or young person’s immediate safety is compromised or they are in immediate
Our bushland reserves preserve the homes of amazing plants and animals, providing unique opportunities to explore native wildlife, wildflowers and other
今年春季节庆的主题“我们的后院”庆祝社区的相聚,享受我们共同拥有的集体后院——Whitehorse! 欢迎过来参加这个免费活动,探索由我们美妙社区开设的50多个摊位吧。现场享受35位当地艺术家及社区团体在5个舞台上进行的精彩音乐及舞蹈表演。 让孩子们享受一整天的免费游乐设施、面部彩绘、各种活动以及精选的美味食物和款待。
In Whitehorse City Council the number of tobacco related deaths are, on average, 114 per year compared to 20 deaths from alcohol and other drugs and 7 deaths on
You can apply online for many services from Whitehorse City Council.
Whitehorse has a rich artistic legacy and a broad offering of programs across arts and culture. Now you can access all our programs, under a new banner: Creative Whitehorse.
Across the neighbourhoods of Whitehorse City Council we have many arts and cultural facilities, as well as a bright and busy Festival Season. Our abundant