Recovering from an emergency is a complex process that may take months or even years to overcome. The recovery process is coordinated by the Council Municipal
Sustainable climate and environmental care is a key focus for Council. Our Climate Response Strategy and Climate Response Plan, adopted by Council on 27
Gardens for Wildlife is a free program designed to support local residents to create inviting and supportive habitat for local wildlife, within their gardens
Submit your Film and Stills Photography online application form below.
In urban areas people will encounter wildlife all the time. Remember that these animals are not pets and should not be treated as such. Feeding wildlife can
There are a variety of services available in our community to help you and your family get through challenging times. This includes food, financial and crisis
Street trees are trees planted in the naturestrip or median strip along roadways. They are planted and maintained by the Council on behalf of the whole
Every year there are a number of emergencies in people’s homes, workplaces, community and in our bushlands. Knowing what to do during an emergency can save the
International students have access to support and services in the community. Below is information on these resources. Resources for International Students Youth
More information on the Morack Public Golf Course Redevelopment can be found in the frequently asked questions below. If you have any questions, email