Amendment C219 - Significant Landscape Overlay - Schedule 9

Amendment C219 to the Whitehorse Planning Scheme introduces updated tree controls to protect existing and establishing trees and the landscape character of the municipality.

Amendment C219 replaces tree protection controls that have been in place since February 2018 for land in the Significant Landscape Overlay Schedule 9 (SLO9). Council's decision on 16 March 2020 was to adopt Amendment C219 and to request approval of the controls from the Minister for Planning.

In December 2024 the Minister for Planning extended SLO9, until 23 June 2025. 

The extension to the expiry of the SLO9 enables the control to be in effect while the Department of Transport and Planning develops consistent statewide tree protection provisions in response to Plan Melbourne Action 91: Cooling and greening Melbourne.

This includes consideration of the Victorian Government’s commitment to meet housing supply targets and support Victoria’s Housing Statement: The decade ahead 2024-2034

To find out if SLO9 applies to your land visit the Tree Controls, Removal, Lopping and Pruning webpage. This page also outlines if a planning permit is required and how to apply. 

Download the approved SLO9 ( PDF 197.66KB) with the complete set of planning controls.

Privacy Statement

Any personal information you may include in any submission to Council on the Amendment is collected for planning purposes in accordance with the Planning and Environment Act 1987. The public may view the submissions whilst the Amendment is being considered. In accordance with the “Improving Access to Planning Documents” Practice Note dated December 1999, a copy of your submission may be made available upon request. If you fail to provide this information your comments may not be considered. You may access this information by contacting Council on 9262 6303.