Council adopts $226m budget to deliver community priorities

Published: Thursday 27 Jun 2024

On Monday 24 June 2024, Whitehorse City Council adopted our 2024/25 budget.

The $226 million budget reflects a responsible balance between delivering projects that are important to the community, while maintaining vital services in an unpredictable economic environment.

Whitehorse Mayor Denise Massoud said ongoing cost escalations had put pressure on Council’s budget. 

“We are working hard to deliver core essential services that are valued by our community, while maintaining financial sustainability,” Cr Massoud said.  

“We know our community is also experiencing cost-of-living pressures, so we continue to keep rates low, capped at a 2.75 per cent increase.” 

The budget has been created in line with the Council Plan 2021-25 and responds to more than 320 responses to our community engagement period in late 2023. 

The consultation identified 5 key themes our community wanted prioritised for the budget:

  • Health and family services
  • Parks, playgrounds and open spaces
  • Sustainability, waste and recycling
  • Roads, footpaths and drains
  • Community safety

Cr Massoud said the feedback from the community engagement process indicates that Council’s investment is in alignment with the 5 key themes and continues to reflect the overall objectives outlined in the Council Plan 2021-25.  

This year’s budget allocates $180 million in the budget for the delivery of services in 2024/25. This includes almost $24 million for kerbside and public waste services, $12.1 million for health and family services, and almost $10 million for community safety.

The budget also includes a $46 million capital works program, which includes $10.6 million for land, buildings and building improvements. Funding has also been allocated for major projects, including $1.3 million to continue the Box Hill City Oval major redevelopment.

“By engaging early, we had time to explore the ideas and priorities presented to us and create a budget that truly reflects the needs of Whitehorse,” Cr Massoud said.

“This budget will underpin a number of great initiatives and services that will help ensure Whitehorse continues to be a great place to live, work, study and play.”

For more information and to view the full approved 2024/25 budget, visit our Budget page.

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