Digital Access

Having digital access involves having the skills and supports to use devices, as well as the means to connect to the Internet.

The City of Whitehorse is well-served by digital literacy programs run through Neighbourhood Houses and Community Centres, University of Third Age (U3A) Nunawading and our Libraries.

An Internet connection is increasingly required to access information and taking part in the digital economy.

In 2016, 11.1% of all households in the City of Whitehorse did not have an Internet connection at the dwelling and 26.2% of low income households had no access to an Internet connection.

The lack of Internet access is likely to indicate a level of disadvantage and may be related to socio-economic factors and/or age – seniors are less likely to have Internet access at home.

Whitehorse City Council hosts the Whitehorse Digital Inclusion Network – organisations collaborating to improve digital access in Whitehorse.

Connecting to the Internet via free or public Wi-Fi is possible at a number of locations across the municipality. The Get Connected across Whitehorse ( PDF 526.38KB) resource maps where these locations are. It also lists where you can get computer training and learn digital skills.