Contact: Richard Welch, Member of Parliament, North Eastern Metropolitan Region
Opening Hours: Monday-Friday 9AM-5PM
Suite 1/10-12, Blackburn Road, Blackburn, 3130
Disabled access
Accessible via public transport
Find us online:
https://www.richardwelch.com.au/Born and raised in Country Victoria as the son of teachers, Richard went to work in the financial services industry, for big banks such as JP Morgan and Merryl Lynch which took him across the world to the UK, Luxembourg and New York.
While completing his MBA at Imperial College in London, Richard invented and patented a form of motion tracking technology in the sport industry – sensors and neural networks – an early form of AI.
From there, Richard built a factory in one of India’s most impoverished regions, supporting over 300 families. From his experience in India, Richard is adept at conversational Hindi.
Richard’s vision for Victoria is to have a moral, ambitious and patriotic nation, believing in the core institutions of democracy, without devolving democracy and power to unelected bodies. Richard wants to see Victoria innovate and grow.
The areas of policy Richard is most passionate about are: energy, decarbonisation and nuclear energy, tax debt strategy, local government reform and ensuring Victoria is an innovative state, producing the best technology and knowledge the world has to offer.
Richard is more than happy to assist anyone across the North-Eastern Metropolitan Region, don’t hesitate to reach out!