Whitehorse News - November 2023
A new era of performing arts in Whitehorse has begun with The Round officially open and unveiled to the community. |
More than 550 people packed out the venue’s theatre for the Opening Night concert on Friday 13 October, headlined and hosted by Gary Pinto and Lucy Durack.
Following music from Kutcha Edwards and a Welcome to Country, Mayor Mark Lane was joined on stage by his fellow councillors to unveil a plaque and officially open the venue.
Pinto and Durack then wowed the audience with a collection of well-known songs, backed by Pinto’s band. They were joined during the concert by local performing arts groups including Utassy Ballet, Whitehorse Showtime, Babirra Music Theatre, Nova Music Theatre and the City of Whitehorse Band. The concert finished with confetti flying in the air and a post-show party with drinks, food and celebratory cupcakes.

Along with the opening night concert, The Round staged a diverse range of events in its first month. They included the Seniors Positive Ageing Expo, the Whitehorse Sport and Recreation Awards, a Midweek Matinee, the Whitehorse Business Group Awards and the launch of a new Cabaret season.
Spring Festival was a community highlight with performances, stalls and activations taking over The Round.
The venue also hosted its first musical theatre production, with Nova Music Theatre staging its production of Cinderella over two weekends. Whitehorse Primary School and Antonio Park Primary School were the first to use The Round for their school productions.
Big names are continuing to visit The Round for performances this month including Daryl Braithwaite, Geraldine Quinn and Zoy Frangos.
For the latest show updates and more information about the venue, visit https://www.theround.com.au.