Nature Strip Planting

Planting native wildflowers and ground covers on the nature strip is a great way to support local biodiversity and reduce the need to mow. Nature strip planting can also look amazing!

Council has a permit system in place to ensure that the plants chosen for the nature strip will allow other people in the community to access the space and that views for drivers and pedestrians will not be impeded. We also encourage people to discuss their plans to plant out the nature strip with their neighbours who may even choose to follow suit.

If you would like to discuss ideas for a future nature strip planting, book a Gardens for Wildlife visit and our knowledgeable volunteer Garden Guides can help you with plant selection ideas.

Before submitting an application to Council for consideration, please think about these points:

  • An application will only be considered if it is made by the owner of the property the nature strip is in front of
  • Areas planted out must be mulched with an approved organic mulch
  • Plants must be under 50cm in height at all times
  • Any plants other than lawn must be a minimum 50cm from the kerb to enable clear egress from cars
  • Non-weedy, drought-resistant species are preferred
  • For long-fronted properties (exceeding 15 metres of nature strip length), allow a plant-free pedestrian access pathway from curb to footpath
  • Accessibility to essential services and infrastructure placed in or underground must be maintained at all times and any restoration work and costs must be met by the permit holder

The Urban Forest Strategy ( PDF 2.08MB) must be followed when making alterations to a nature strip. The Nature strip Planting guidelines ( PDF 1.86MB) have been developed to assist you in selecting suitable pre-approved plants. 

The permit holder must maintain the area to an acceptable standard determined by Council at all times.

Council has the right to reject any application if it considers the application inappropriate to the area. 

Council may issue a permit with conditions that outline certain requirements, including the need to reinstate the nature strip at any time, at the cost of the permit holder.

Apply online for a Nature Strip Planting Permit.