Make your shopping choices count by buying products that are produced ethically. You can support companies that demonstrate ethical practices and produce products aligned with human rights and wellbeing.
Shopping ethically takes into consideration many factors such as:
- organisations' human rights record
- corporate accountability
- farming methods
- the distance the product has travelled to get to you
- what is paid for the raw produce
Fair Trade is about better prices, good working conditions, local sustainability, and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers in developing countries.
By requiring companies to pay fair prices, Fair Trade addresses the injustices of conventional trade, which traditionally discriminates against the most vulnerable producers. With greater financial stability, producers can plan for the future and improve their livelihoods.
Whitehorse City Council strongly believes in fair and ethical procurement for our organisation and has made a commitment to purchasing Fairtrade certified products.
The Ethical Consumer Guide (published by the Ethical Consumer Group) provides useful information on the environmental and social record of companies behind the brand names of common supermarket products.
The information is based on assessment gathered from organisations such as Greenpeace, Choose Cruelty Free, Corporate Monitor, Reputex, Responsible Shopper and Sustainability Victoria.
For information on Fairtrade initiatives around Australia, visit the Fairtrade Australia website.