Urban Forest Strategy Actions Progress Update

The Whitehorse Urban Forest Strategy 2021-2031 (UFS) was endorsed in September 2021 and includes five objectives that seek to maximise the health and vigour of our urban forest, build urban resilience, enhance biodiversity, and adapt to and mitigate climate change. 

Officers recently prepared a report to Council to provide an update on the implementation progress of the actions from the UFS.

The report presented a status update including: 

  • High level summary of results to date. 
  • Budget program highlights and completed actions. 
  • Summary on several of our ‘In Progress’ actions.
  • Background on the issues encountered during the delivery of the actions.

Some of the highlights and completed actions included:

  • Council’s acquisition of a purpose-built tree and urban forest asset management software program. 
  • Development and endorsement of the Whitehorse Integrated Water Management Strategy (IWMS).
  • Good Landscape Design Guide (GLDG) Officers have updated the Landscape Design guidelines for new development. 

If you would like to read the UFS progress report in more detail please see the link to the relevant Council meeting Minutes of Council Meeting - Monday, 26 August 2024 .

Overall good progress is being made on the Action Plan and a summary with a traffic light status indicator is located in the report or can be accessed here UFS Traffic Light Status Indicator