Sustainable Design Assessment

A Sustainable Design Assessment (SDA) is a simple sustainability assessment of a proposed building at the planning stage that demonstrates best practice in ESD performance.

A Sustainable Design Assessment (SDA) is required for:

Residential Development that:

  • comprises 3-9 residential dwellings; or
  • is used for accommodation other than dwellings and has a gross floor area between 500m2 and 1000m2

Non-Residential development that:

  • has a gross floor area (GFA) between 500m2 to 1,000m2.

An SDA can be prepared by either of the two methods listed below: 

Rating Tools that May Assist and Use of Such Tools

Council recommends the use of the Built Environment Sustainability Scorecard (BESS) to assist in the preparation of your SDA.  BESS is a free online sustainability assessment tool purpose-built for the Sustainable Design Assessment in the Planning Process (SDAPP) framework.  Use of this tool will allow applicants to demonstrate that their project meets minimum standards.

The BESS Assessment process will refer to ancillary documentation to be provided to Council to support an application.  Such documentation is subject but not limited to:


  • Residential: Preliminary NatHERS First Rate 5 energy efficiency reports (i.e. dwellings, apartment and crisis-relief/care public housing units).
  • Non-Residential: Preliminary NCC BCA Section J and/or glazing calculator indicating R-values, U-values and SHGC commitments (i.e. childcare centres and commercial building)

Integrated Water Management

  • A STORM Report including a solution which addresses volume reduction, peak stormwater flow ameliorating detention requirements, rainwater tank re-use efficiency with respect to managing potential overflow, and stormwater quality; or
  • A ‘Subscribing Council (Free)’ InSite Water Report.
  • Stormwater delineation plan indicating rainwater collection, pervious and impervious areas.

Indoor Environment Quality

  • Demonstration of appropriate cross-flow ventilation (residential and non-residential)
  • Daylight modelling (apartment buildings and non-residential development or otherwise at the discretion of Council)

Please note:
The BESS Assessment must be submitted as ‘Published’ and without any watermarks prior to approval with the ancillary documentation provided as attachments.

Development Plans must include:

  • All Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) features such as:
    • Rainwater tanks;
    • Raingardens; and
    • Permeable paving.
  • Renewable energy systems such as:
    • Solar photovoltaic systems;
    • Solar hot water systems.
  • Clotheslines
  • Building utility systems and areas such as;
    • HVAC systems;
    • Hot water systems;
    • Waste collection areas
  • An ‘ESD Schedule’ or notes table including details of ESD features/commitments which cannot be visually shown (i.e. dwelling star ratings, energy and water efficiency ratings for heating/cooling systems and plumbing fittings and fixtures);

Development Plans must be consistent with Landscape Plans and Drainage Plans for transparency and consistency purposes.

Refer to Council's Sustainable Design Assessment in the Planning Process webpage for further information on how to incorporate sustainable design into all aspects of your new development.