Amendment C241whse to the Whitehorse Planning Scheme implements the Whitehorse Development Contributions Plan (Whitehorse DCP) through the Whitehorse Planning Scheme.
Public Exhibition of the amendment and the Draft Whitehorse DCP was undertaken for a period of one month from 10 November 2022. During exhibition a total of 14 submissions were received. Council considered the submissions on 27 February 2023 and resolved to request the Minister for Planning (the Minister) to appoint an independent Planning Panel to consider the submissions to the amendment.
The Panel held a Directions Hearing on 29 March 2023. Council was the only party wishing to be heard by the Panel. The Panel considered the submissions ‘on the papers’ and provided its report ( PDF 899.04KB) to Council in May 2023. The Panel supported the amendment with three minor non-technical changes to the exhibited documents.
At its meeting on 10 July 2023, Council considered the Panel Report and resolved to adopt the revised amendment and Whitehorse DCP as per Panel’s recommendations.
The Minister for Planning has approved the amendment and published the notice of approval in the Victoria Government Gazetted on 21 December 2023. The amendment came into operation from this date.
Visit Council's DCP webpage for further information on the DCP.
To calculate DCP levies, view the DCP calculator
If you have any questions about the Amendment please contact Council’s Strategic Planning Unit on (03) 9262 6303.