Whitehorse City Council, has prepared Built Form Guidelines for land in the Residential Growth Zone (RGZ) along key road corridors in the municipality.
The study recommends built form controls to better guide development outcomes. The controls relate to building setbacks, architecture and height, building separation, overshadowing, landscaping and pedestrian and vehicle access.
The Study Area ( PDF 183.92KB)focuses primarily on the major east-west tram and road corridors, where there is an interface between the RGZ and the General Residential Zone (GRZ) or Neighbourhood Residential Zone (NRZ) to the rear or side. Specifically, this project is looking at Burwood Highway, generally between Elgar Road, Burwood and Hanover Road, Vermont South and Whitehorse Road in Mont Albert, Laburnum and Nunawading.
At its meeting on 29 January 2019 ( PDF 1.89MB) Council resolved as follows:
That Council:
- Adopt the Draft Residential Corridors Built Form Study.
- Seek authorisation from the Minister for Planning under the Planning and Environment Act 1987 (Section 8a) to prepare and exhibit an amendment to the Whitehorse Planning Scheme to implement the recommendations of the Study.
- Advise all submitters to the Residential Corridors Built Form Study consultation of this resolution.
The Study can be downloaded below:
For further information, contact the Strategic Planning Unit on 9262 6303 or email customer.service@whitehorse.vic.gov.au
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