Fees - Planning Application

You can lodge and pay online for most application types. 

View application fees below or download a copy of the current Statutory Planning fees ( PDF 754.26KB).

For more information on the applications visit the Lodge and Apply webpage.

Statutory Planning Fees

Change of Use Applications

Class Application Type Fee for Permit Application Fee to Amend Permit (S72)
1 Change or allow a new use of the land  $1,453.40 $1,453.40

Single Dwelling Applications

To develop land for a single dwelling per lot or use and develop land for a single dwelling per lot or undertake development ancillary to the use of land for a single dwelling per lot included in the application, including removal of trees.

Class Application Cost of Works (estimated cost of additional development for S72 amendments) Fee for Permit Application Fee to Amend Permit (S72)
2 $10,000 or less $220.50 $220.50
3 $10,001 to $100,000 $694.00 $694.00
4 $100,001 to $500,000 $1,420.70 $1,420.70
5 $500,001 to $1,000,000 $1,535.00 $1,535.00
6 $1,000,001 to $2,000,000 $1,649.30 $1,535.00

VicSmart Applications

Class Application Cost of Works (estimated cost of additional development for S72 amendments) Fee for Permit Application Fee to Amend Permit (S72)
7 $10,000 or less $220.50 $220.50
8 More than $10,000 $473.60 $473.60
9 VicSmart application to subdivide or consolidate land $220.50 $220.50
10 VicSmart application (other) $220.50 $220.50

Other Development Applications

To develop land (other than single dwelling on a lot, VicSmart application, subdivide or consolidate land) including removal or trees and signs.

Class Application Cost of Works (estimated cost of additional development for S72 amendments) Fee for Permit Application Fee to Amend Permit (S72)
11 $100,000 or less $1,265.60 $1,265.60
12 $100,001 to $1,000,000 $1,706.50 $1,706.50
13 $1,000,001 to $5,000,000 $3,764.10 $3,764.10
14 $5,000,001 to $15,000,000 $9,593.90 $3,764.10
15 $15,000,001 to $50,000,000 $28,291.70 $3,764.10
16 $50,000,001 or more $63,589.00 $3,764.10
22 A permit not otherwise provided for in the regulation (includes liquor license and reduction of car parking applications) $1,453.40 $1,453.40

Subdivision Applications

Class Application Type Fee for Permit Application Fee to Amend Permit (S72)
17 To subdivide an existing building (other than class 9) $1,453.40 $1,453.40
18 To subdivide land into 2 lots (other than class 9 or 17) $1,453.40 $1,453.40
19 To effect a realignment of a common boundary between lots or consolidate 2 or more lots (other than class 9) $1,453.40 $1,453.40
20 Subdivide land into 3 or more lots (per 100 lots created) $1,453.40 $1,453.40

a) Create, vary or remove a restriction with the meaning of the subdivision Act.

b) Create or remove a right of way

c) Create, vary or remove an easement other than a right of way

d) Vary or remove a condition in the nature of an easement (other than right of way) in a Crown grant

$1,453.40 $1,453.40

Section 72 Amendment Applications

Class Application Type Fee to Amend Permit (S72)
2 Section 72 Amendment to change the statement of what the permit allows; or change any or all conditions (other than a permit to develop land or undertake development ancillary to the use of the land for a single dwelling per lot). $1,453.40
  Amendment to a Class 1 and 3 - 21 permit Refer to 'Fee to Amend Permit' column above.

Permit Applications For More Than One Class

Application Type Fee for Permit Application

(1) An application for more than one class of permit set out in the above tables

(2) An application to amend a permit in more than one class set out in the able tables

The sum of:

The highest of the fees which would have applied if separate applications were made; and

50% of each of the other fees which would have applied if separate applications were made

Amending an Application After Notice Has Been Given (S57)

Application Type Fee for Permit Application

(1) Section 57A - request to amend an application for a permit after notice has been given or

(2) Section 57A - request to amend an application for an amendment to a permit after notice has been given

40% of the application fee for that class of permit or amendment to permit; and

Where the class of application is changing to a new class of higher application fee, the difference between the fee for the application to be amended and the new class

Secondary Consent (Non-Statutory)

Including consent under a S173 agreement.

  Fee for Application
Single dwelling and two dwellings on a lot $650.00 (GST inc.)
3-10 dwellings on a lot and commercial/industrial developments $1,300.00 (GST inc.)
10+ dwellings on a lot, including apartments $1,733.00 (GST inc.)

Subdivision Certification

Regulation Purpose Fee for Application
6 Certification of a Plan of Subdivision and Statement of Compliance $192.70
7 Alterations of Plan under Section 10(2) of the Act $122.50
8 Amendment of Certified Plan $155.10

Construction Management Plans (Non Statutory)

  Fee for Application
Construction Management Plan - up to 9 Storeys $700.00 (GST inc.)
Construction Management Plan - 10 or more storeys $1,400.00 (GST inc.)
Construction Management Plan - Each Additional Review $350.00

Related Applications

  Fee for Application

Out of Hours Permit

Associated Out of Hours Inspection (per date applied for)



Equipment and Plant Permit 

Associated Inspection (2 per application)

Associated Equipment and Plant Inspection Out of Hours




Other Fees

Application Type Fees for Permit Application
Combined permit application and planning scheme amendment Under Section 96A(4)(a) of the Act: the sum of the highest of the fees which would have applied if separate applications were made and 50% of the other fees which would have applied if separate applications were made
Certificate of Compliance (Section 97N) $359.30
Section 173 agreement - standard Refer to Maddocks
Section 173 agreement - amending or ending under Section 178A $726.70 (statutory)
Where a planning scheme specifies that a matter must be done to the satisfaction of a responsible authority or municipal council $359.30

Advertising Fees (Non-Statutory)

Type of Advertising Fee for Application
Advertising Letters (includes up to 10 letters). Additional letters $7.50 each. $190.00
Small and large advertising notice  External Contractor

Other Fees (Non - Statutory)

Other fees Fee for Application
Copy of plans while planning permit is on notice $38.00 per A1-A0 sheet
Extension of time request for a planning permit $360.00
Resubmission of Condition 1 plans $165.00
On site compliance check $260.00
Pre-application advice $300.00
Retrospective planning fee $550.00
Contributions to Public Open Space 4% of site value

Strategic Planning Scheme Fees

Stage Stage of Amendment Fee Paid To


a) considering a request to amend a planning scheme; and

b) taking action required by Division 1 of Part 3 of the Act; and

c) considering any submissions which do not seek a change to the amendment; and

d) if applicable, abandoning the amendment.

$3,364.00 Whitehorse City Council


(i) up to and including 10 submissions which seek a change to an amendment and where necessary referring the submissions to a panel;



Whitehorse City Council
  (ii) 11 to (and including) 20 submissions which seek a change to an amendment and where necessary referring the submissions to a panel;



  (iii) Submissions that exceed 20 submissions which seek a change to an amendment and where necessary referring the submissions to a panel; $44,531.90  
  Note 2: Including providing assistance to a panel in accordance with section 158 of the Act, making a submission to a panel appointed under Part 8 of the Act at a hearing referred to in section 24(b) of the Act, considering the panel's report in accordance with section 27 of the Act, and after considering submissions and the panel's report, abandoning the amendment.    


a) adopting the amendment or part of the amendment in accordance with Section 29 of the Act; and

b) submitting the amendment for approval by the Minister in accordance with Section 31 of the Act; and

c) giving the notice of approval of the amendment required by Section 36(2) of the Act.

$530.70 if the Minister is not the planning authority;

or nil fee if the Minister is the planning authority

Whitehorse City Council


a) consideration by the Minister of a request to approve the amendment in accordance with Section 35 of the Act; and

b) giving notice of approval of the amendment in accordance with Section 36(1) of the Act.

$530.70 if the Minister is not the planning authority;

or nil fee if the Minister is the planning authority

The Minister

Other Fees

Type of Application Fee
For requesting the Minister to prepare an amendment to a planning scheme exempted from the
requirements referred to in section 20(4) of the Act.
For requesting the Minister to prepare an amendment to a planning scheme exempted from certain
requirements prescribed under section 20A(1) of the Act.