Fees - Building Related Application

You can lodge and pay online for most application types. 

View application fees below.

For more information on the applications visit the Lodge and Apply webpage.

Report and Consent (Dispensation)

Application Type Fee for Permit Application 
Building Report and Consent (Dispensation) $448.30 per regulation
Building Report and Consent - Hoarding
(erect precautions over street alignment)
$324.90 + $2.30 per m2 per day 
(min $412/max $1000 per week and 30% additional levy for occupation period without consent)
Building Report Only (existing buildings only) $618.00 per regulation
Building Report and Consent Amendment $213.00
Building Report and Consent Extension of Time $213.00
Building Report and Consent - Advertising $98.00 for first property notified.   $77 per additional property notified.
Build Over Easement $320.20
Minimum Floor Levels $320.20
Designated Land or Works $320.20

Building Permit Application

Application Type Fee for Permit Application
Building Permit - Building Services is not taking applications at this time. Varies depending on cost of building work
Building Permit Amendment - Contact Building Services on 9262 6303 for a quotation Varies depending on cost of building work
Private Building Surveyor Permit Lodgement $134.40

Asset Protection Permit

Find Asset Protection Permits on Asset Protection, Roads, Footpaths and Vehicle Crossings

Pools and Spas

Application Type Application Fee 
Initial Registration and Search (Existing Pools) $87.20
Initial Registration (New Pools) $35.10 + $22.50
Compliance Certificate Lodgement (Form 23) $22.50
Non-compliance Fee  $424.50