Update of outcome for community petition

Published: Friday 02 Aug 2024

At the 27 May 2024 Council Meeting, Council resolved to receive the petition/joint letter requesting that: “the Whitehorse Council maintain management of both Aqualink sites and that the facilities not be outsourced".

The petitioner has been provided with the following response and project update:

  • No decision on the future of the management of Aqualink will be made until 2025.
  • Council is undertaking an Expression of Interest (EOI) Process in relation to the provision of Learn to Swim programs. An EOI process will help determine the best operator for the Whitehorse community, while delivering value to Council and our rate payers. The EOI will be open to any providers wanting to make a submission and will run from mid August 2024. 
  • Following the Expression of Interest process, Council will determine the approach to a public tender process for the remainder of the services. A public tender process will invite external management companies to submit a proposal to manage our Aquatic facilities from 1 March 2026 (dates are subject to change). Once tender proposals are received, Council will consider these and decide on next steps. 
  • Any decisions made by Council will give consideration to community needs and preferences for the services and programs offered at the Aqualink centres.

More information and Frequently Asked Questions are available at Your Say Whitehorse website. If you have further questions, please contact our Customer Service team

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