Mitcham Station Precinct

Mitcham is one of the larger neighbourhood activity centres in the City of Whitehorse. It provides retail, commercial, medical, community service and recreational opportunities for the local population, as well as for the resident and working population in the Nunawading MegaMile Major Activity Centre (MAC).

In May 2012, the Victorian State Government announced funding for construction of the separation of road and rail at the intersections of Mitcham and Rooks Roads and the Belgrave/Lilydale railway line. Council supported VicRoads’ decision to lower the rail line under Mitcham Road and believes it will create significant opportunities in the immediate area.

The current Nunawading Megamile Major Activity Centre and Mitcham Neighbourhood Activity Centre Structure Plan was adopted by Council in April 2008. It provides a guide for future development for Nunawading Megamile MAC and Mitcham NAC.

The Structure Plan provides some guidance on built form outcomes in the Mitcham Station Precinct, however this is based on pre-existing circumstances and did not plan for the area after the rail and road separation.  Council has responded by developing the Mitcham Station Precinct Built Form and Public Realm Guidelines for the area immediately affected by the separation of road and rail.

The Mitcham Station Precinct Built Form and Public Realm Guidelines identify ways to improve the Mitcham Station Precinct including new public spaces, better pedestrian and cycling movement, and the opportunity to revitalise the area through new development and landscaping. The Guidelines are intended to work together with Council’s existing Nunawading Megamile Major Activity Centre and Mitcham Neighbourhood Activity Centre Structure Plan.

The draft Guidelines were on public exhibition between 28 August 2012 and 28 September 2012. The submissions were considered by Council at its meeting of 10 December 2012 where it resolved to adopt the draft guidelines, subject to some changes.

The guidelines may form the basis of a future amendment to the Whitehorse Planning Scheme. 

If you have any questions about the guidelines, please contact Council’s Strategic Planning Unit on 9262 6303 or email




 The personal information requested on this form is being collected by Whitehorse City Council for planning purposes on the Mitcham Station Precinct Built Form and Public Realm Guidelines in accordance with the Planning and Environment Act 1987. This information will be used solely by Council for that primary or related purpose. The public may view the submissions whilst the guidelines are being considered. In accordance with the “Improving Access to Planning Documents” Practice Note dated December 1999, a copy of your submission may be made available to the public upon request. Individuals have a right to seek access to their personal information and make corrections by contacting the Strategic Planning Unit on 9262 6303. You may view Council’s Privacy Policy on our website  or obtain a copy from any of the Council offices.