New Parent Groups

Becoming a parent for the first time is exciting but can also be challenging and is sometimes isolating. 

The Maternal and Child Health nurses want to ensure first time parents get the support they need and to assist with this they facilitate new parent groups. You will be invited to a new parent group within the first 8 weeks and both parents are welcome to attend. 

These groups are held in a relaxed, supportive environment and are a great way to gain information and support from a Maternal Child Health Nurse, as well as an opportunity to meet other first time parents in your area. The Maternal & Child Health service also holds specific first time parent groups for non-English speaking Chinese families.  

What will be covered?

Session 1: Getting to know your baby

Introductions, baby cues and reasons why babies cry.

Session 2: Growth and Development

Development, play and baby massage.

Session 3: Safety and Childhood illness

Typical illnesses and when to contact medical services. 

Session 4: Looking after Yourself

Self-care, the nurse will also discuss mindfulness and its benefits to parenting.

Session 5: Sleep and Settling


Please note the order and content of these sessions are subject to change depending on parent requests.

Contact your Maternal and Child Health nurse for more information.