When dads have a healthy relationship with their children, it helps them to develop in healthy ways and have more positive outcomes in their lives.
Dads in Distress
Supports dads experiencing trauma through family breakdown and separation.
Dads Online
Provides relevant information to help fathers have thriving relationships with their children.
Emerging Minds
Resource Library developed by the Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS) for fathers.
Telephone and online counselling service offering support for Australian men.
1300 78 99 78
PANDA – Support for Dads
Resources, Online Forums and Getting Help
Helpline: 1300 726 306 (Mon-Sat 9am -7:30pm)
A free statewide telephone counselling and support service for all Victorian parents and carers of children from 0-18 years
13 22 89
Fathers, Dads-to-be, Families & Health Professionals. Receive free text messages, support, info & tips – especially for dads & dads-to-be
Support for Fathers (Relationships Australia)
Support for Fathers is providing dads with options and information about fatherhood, the relationship with their partner and connecting with their kids.
1300 364 277
Working Fathers
The University of Melbourne
Resources and Podcast
Working Fathers Introduction | Forum (unimelb.edu.au)
Local Social Groups
Dads of Vermont
Leeroy Café, 37 Centre Rd, Vermont
Meet alternating Saturday & Sunday
Join us for free coffee and baby chino
Contact Facilitator: Tom Fagernes
0413 558 152 or thomas.fagernes@dadsgroup.org
Event details: facebook.com/groups/DadsOfVermont/