A playgroup is a regular and relaxed meeting for groups of young children who haven’t yet started school and their parents or caregivers.

In a playgroup, children play and do activities together while their parents or caregivers supervise and socialise.

Blackburn North Neighbourhood House
Community Playgroup
109 Koonung Road, Blackburn Nth
9878 6632
Monday 10am

Mitcham Community House Playgroup
19 Brunswick Rd, Mitcham
9873 4587
Monday 9:30am

Newhope Baptist Mainly Music
3 Springfield Rd, Blackburn Nth
9890 7999
Monday 10am

One Church Mainly Music Playgroup
184 Surrey Rd, Blackburn
8878 2500
Monday 10am

Stay and Play
Nunawading Toy Library
19 Norma Road, Forest Hill
0449 123 889
3rd Monday of month 10am

Story & Play for Pre-schoolers
Forest Hill Chase Community Space
Level 2, opposite Australia Post
Monday 9.30am