Terrorism is an act or threat to act where the action causes harm or interference to people with the intention of advancing a political, religious or ideological cause. If you are caught up in a terrorist attack
- Escape the area
- Hide if you cannot safely escape
- Tell the Police by calling 000.
The Australian Government has developed a threat advisory system which specifies the likelihood of a terrorist attack in Australia.
When the threat level changes, the Australian Government provides advice on what the threat level means, where the threat is coming from, potential targets, such as stadiums, shopping centres, pedestrian malls and major events and how a terrorist act may be carried out.
The National Terrorism Threat Level is regularly reviewed in line with the security environment and intelligence.
Preparing for a terrorist attack
In a terrorist incident, essential services such as telecommunications and electricity may fail or not work properly. For example, telephone services can become difficult to access in an emergency due to overuse or they can be lost entirely due to power failure or to lines being cut in an explosion.
Preparing for Terrorism
There are things you can do at home to prepare for an emergency such as a terrorist incident including preparing an emergency kit and an emergency plan.
Businesses can take steps to minimise the effect of terrorism by building business resilience and managing and protecting:
Reporting Something Suspicious
You can help prevent a terrorist act, by reporting anything you think is suspicious to:
- The National Security Hotline - 1800 1234 00 - If calling from overseas, call (+61) 1300 123 401 - For TTY users, call 1800 234 889 - If you do not speak English well, call the Translating and Interpreting Hotline on 131 450 and ask them to contact the National Security Hotline and interpret for you
- Crime Stoppers - 1800 333 000. Call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 to report crimes that are not in progress and/or have no known offender (e.g. break and enter, malicious damage, stealing, minor car accidents). This is a free call from any phone in Australia, and you can remain anonymous.
Reporting a terrorist attack
You should call 000 in a life threatening or time critical emergency, such as when:
- Someone is seriously injured or in danger
- There is serious risk to life or property
- A crime is being committed and/or a further crime may be committed
- Someone you suspect has committed a crime is close by or their location is known, and there is an opportunity to arrest the suspect
- Witnesses may leave the scene of a crime or evidence might be lost if police do not get there quickly
- A victim is seriously distressed
If you have a hearing or speech impairment, dial 106 through your textphone (TTY))
NEVER risk your own safety or the safety of others.
During a terrorist attack
If you are involved in an active armed offender or other terrorist situation, what you do matters:
- ESCAPE: Your priority action should be to remove yourself and others from close proximity to the offender/s, or areas that they might reasonably access
- HIDE: If you don't believe you can safely evacuate, then you may need to consider sheltering in place. Constantly re-assess the situation and your options based on the best available information
- TELL: Call 000. The more information you can pass on to the police, the better - If you have a hearing or speech impairment, dial 106 through your textphone (TTY)).
NEVER risk your own safety or the safety of others