A BioBlitz is coming!
What on earth is a BioBlitz?
'A BioBlitz is an intense period of biological surveying in an attempt to record all the living species within a designated area.' Sounds fun? Yes, very fun! This is your chance to explore your natural environment and discover something new.
In 2024 we are joining the Great Southern BioBlitz from 20 to 23 of September to help document native plants and animals across Whitehorse, and you, as a community member are vital to making it happen!
To get involved all you have to do is download the iNaturalist app, and from 20 – 23 September find wild plants and animals in your local park or reserve, take a picture and upload it to the app. That's all. Super easy.
But I'm not an expert on plants and animals!
That's okay! You don't need to be. iNaturalist has a helpful function where it suggests visually similar species, and if you're really stuck putting in 'bird' or 'insect' is good enough. We have experts who can identify species based on the photos and basic information you provide. This is a great feature as you will also be able to learn new species as you go!
October is a great time to explore our local parks and reserves. Spring is in full swing: flowers are blooming, insects are emerging, baby birds are hatching and reptiles are coming out of hibernation. Take this opportunity to connect with nature while helping scientists study and protect native plants and animals!
Keep an eye out here for fun upcoming Great Southern BioBlitz events, and in the meantime, download the iNaturalist app and try it out!
Activities and Events
Join us for these fun, free events run by Whitehorse City Council and our passionate community groups!
These events are perfect if you would like to learn more about the flora and fauna of Whitehorse and where you can discover the hidden wonders right under your nose.
Need some help using the iNaturalist app?
Explore the resources below!
Introduction to iNaturalist Webinar
View the webinar recording from the City Nature Challenge 2021 for using the iNaturalist app.
Coordinated by Stonnington and Boroondara Councils, presented by Dr Luis Mata from Melbourne University.
iNaturalist Video Tutorials
Watch tutorial videos from iNaturalist on the many different functions of the app.