Matsudo - Call Out for Artwork

Celebrating 50 years of the sister city relationship with the theme: A shared love of nature.

Student graphic designers, illustrators and artists were invited to submit artworks for inclusion in the 50th anniversary commemorative book celebrating the sister city relationship between Whitehorse and Matsudo. The book will be released in 2021.

Thank you to everyone who submitted work. We will be in touch with you soon.


Sister city relationships support the national and state efforts to build cultural, education and economic ties between Australia and Japan. The Whitehorse and Matsudo relationship is one of the earliest sister city relationship in both Victoria and Australia. It has been valuable in building community connections and exchange opportunities for both of our communities over the 50 years.

Japan and Australia, and especially Whitehorse and Matsudo, share similar democratic, cultural and economic aspirations for their communities. Whitehorse and Matsudo also share a similar heritage, once both home to fruit orchards and farms, and situated just outside the CBD of Melbourne and Tokyo. The communities of both cities share a deep love of nature, in our parklands, beaches, playgrounds and the tree canopy lining our streets. 

We invited local students practicing and learning illustration, graphic design or other visual arts to submit their artistic responses to this shared love of nature. We asked them to consider in their artworks both sides of the sister city relationship – Japan and Australia.