Lake Ward

Cr Denise Massoud (Mayor)

Cr Massoud has lived in Whitehorse for 36 years and was first elected to Council in 2012. Her professional qualifications include BSc (Hons - Chemistry), Grad Dip (Computing), Dip Ed, GAICD, Registered Electrical Contractor. Cr Massoud is a Board Director for Victorian Local Governance Association (VLGA), member of the Executive Committee for Australian Local Government Women’s Association and member of Australian Institute of Company Directors.

Cr Massoud keenly advocates for appropriate development, respectful of neighbouring properties and maintaining local character, ensuring community facilities and shared paths are inclusive for all users, enabling local business recovery post the pandemic restriction period and encourage local shopping to aid business growth and minimising landfill though increased recycling and diversion activities.

Cr Massoud is proud of her successful advocacy for lifts at Blackburn Station, the Significant Landscape Overlay 9 to support our tree character, re-development of Morton Park pavilion, development of McCubbin Park, support of Tree Education Officer role and keeping our rates one of the lowest in Melbourne. 

Cr Massoud values the privilege of representing the residents of Lake Ward and has previously represented council on a number of committees. 

Cr Massoud represents Council on the following:

  • Eastern Affordable Housing Alliance
  • Eastern Region Group
  • Environment and Sustainability Reference Group
  • Municipal Association of Victoria
  • Whitehorse Business Group
  • Whitehorse Disability Advisory Committee
  • Whitehorse Reconciliation Advisory Committee
Cr Massoud


0409 230 499
