Cr Kirsten Langford
Personal Background
Personal Background: Lived in Kingsley Ward, Whitehorse for the last 30 years with my family (husband Greg and 3 adult children who are now working and/or at university)
Qualifications: B. App. Sci.; Grad. Dip. IT; MBA
Hobbies: Sourdough Bread Baking; Tapestry; Opera; Going to the AFL and Cricket.
What motivated you to run for Council?
I am a true local of Kingsley and have a record of fighting alongside locals to:
- Save our shrinking public open space
- Deliver transparent community consultation
- Support local business
I love the people of Kingsley and the fabric that connects our community.
It is a privilege and honour to serve the community.
Areas of interest/professional knowledge
- Planning
- Marketing
- Communication
- Branding
- Project Management.
What are your key principles?
- Accountable
- Compassionate
- Approachable
- Honest and Transparent
What are the key priorities for you in this Council term?
- Protect and fight for green open space
- Box Hill Brickworks to parkland
- Surrey Park Oval returned to the community from the Level Crossing Removal Project
- Footpath rejuvenation and review
- Act for better planning
- Keep rates to a minimum
- Deliver pedestrian and cycle crossings
- Joining the cycle paths between Kingsley and Sparks
- Pedestrian Crossing on Elgar Road to provide safe access to Surrey Park
- Strengthening community safety
- Champion local business
- Keeping the local areas/destinations vibrant encouraging foot traffic and a healthy economy in all shopping and business precincts
What are the key challenges for Whitehorse?
- Doubling of the population target by the State Government
- Servicing the increased population (schools, maternal health, childcare, drains, roads, rubbish, open space etc)
- Planning Overlays – Suburban Rail Loop, Activity Centres and Rescode which bypass Council authority
- Protecting and growing open space
- Financial Sustainability
Contact Cr Kirsten Langford
0423 445 390