Elgar Ward

Cr Blair Barker

Cr Barker and family have lived in Box Hill North for more than 20 years. Blair works full time as the Managing Director of an HR and recruitment consulting firm. Cr Barker studied Economics at Monash University and enlisted in the Australian Army in 1990 and was commissioned as an Infantry Officer in 1993. He and his family are very active in the community, sharing a love of dogs, raising school aged children and caring for elderly parents. 

Cr Barker is a member of many local clubs and more broadly, including Surrey Park Swimming Club, Box Hill Athletics, Kerrimuir United Cricket Club, Whitehorse Colts Football Netball Club, Whitehorse Pioneers, Old English Sheepdog Club of Victoria, and Dogs Victoria.

Cr Barker is interested in solving complex local and strategic issues, organisational transformation and innovation, strategic human resources, organisational culture, not for profit community groups and sport and community engagement, park and trees, veterans issues, pets, children and women’s sport and its importance to health and gender equality and sustainable building design.

Cr Barker was also AFL Auskick Coach of the year 2014, MD of a BRW Fastest 100 Growing Small Companies 2006, and published peer reviewed professional publications.

Cr Barker represents Council on the following:

  • Audit and Risk Committee
  • Domestic Animal Management Plan Advisory Committee
Cr Barker


0459 857 280

