Cootamundra Ward

Cr Kieran Simpson

Personal Background

I live in Blackburn North with my young family. My son attends Kerrimuir Primary School and a nephew and niece attend Box Hill High School. Our family is involved with local sporting clubs, community groups and I shop locally to support our small businesses.  

What motivated you to run for Council?

I want to serve my community and provide a way to help people have their voices heard. Decisions need to be made after community consultation and in an open and transparent way.    

Areas of interest/professional knowledge

Being a software engineer for nearly 20 years I have worked in a variety of industries from road tolling to financial software. I have co-founded two startup businesses.

What are your key principles?  

Transparency, accountability with genuine community engagement. I bring a problem-solving mindset and want to see public policy in the best interests of the community.  

What are the key priorities for you in this Council term?  

  • Keeping Aquatics in public hands  
  • Fixing roads and footpaths
  • Koonung Reserve Masterplan  
  • Open space and the environment.  
  • Improving active transport
  • Fiscal accountability

What are the key challenges for Whitehorse?  

Balancing development with environmental and infrastructure concerns while maintaining standard of amenities.  


Melbourne Stars

Contact Cr Kieran Simpson

0431 486 849


Cr Kieran Simpson